4 Generations Of Family Farming

Our family has deep roots in the area and a long legacy of Dairy farming. My Great-Grandpa Wessel Murman immigrated here from Germany in 1923 where he was raised on a Dairy farm.  In 1930 they found this little farm outside of Glenvil where they were able to rent the land and start their Dairy operation with 6 Milking Short-horns.  They also raised chickens and Hogs.  With this small herd of milk cows, Wessel was able to supply the whole town of Glenvil with Fresh milk and cream.

In 1947 my Grandpa Menno took over the family farm and started to expand the Dairy operation and transitioned the Herd to all Holsteins.  In 1953 he was able to purchase the farm from the original homesteading family.  In 1962 Menno built the first Grade A milking parlor in Nebraska with all the modern technology of the time.  The cows were now milked by machine and the milk was pumped directly into a cooled holding tank where it could be kept at 38 degrees around the clock. My Grandpa won many awards for Milk production, cow management, and land management.  Even winning Farmer of the year on a few occasions.

In the late 1970s, the Farm transitioned yet again to Jim and Dave Murman my Father and Uncle. Making them the 3rd Generation to take on the Dairy business. Between the two of them, they continued my Grandpa’s legacy and kept growing the herd and implementing new practices and technology. In 1986 they put in the Freestall barn you see the cows in today. In 1990 the current Milk parlor was built. This parlor allowed for 16 cows to be milked at once.  Jim and Dave continued the legacy of winning awards for management and production on our Farm.  With their winning record and commitment to keeping up with current technologies, they drew the attention of delegates from other nations who were looking to improve Dairy programs in their own countries.  

Today the Dairy operation is managed by Jim, his daughter Nikki (4th Generation Murman), and her husband Mike. We are still committed to raising a strong and healthy herd but the color of the cows is again changing. Where we still raise primarily Holsteins but have begun to incorporate Jersey cows to diversify the herd. We are still a grade A facility dedicated to making a clean healthy product. Today we are excited to branch out into direct customer sales and continue to make improvements to the facilities as we begin producing rich homemade Ice cream on the farm.